"Is This Game Dead?!?!"

To the 2 people that actually care about this game's development, as you can see, development is paused for now. 

The final boss is really hard to design because It has attacks that spawn other objects and that's difficult to code for. Especially on Scratch. 

Also, there is a new game I am working on, The Accident at Water Creek Park, and that game is also eating up my time. by the way, check out the Itch page for that game. It's a whodunit game. If you've played Cold Call by Moonbit Games, this game will feel familiar to you.

As for I Live With Her, the game is almost done, and it WILL be released  SOMETIME in the future. Maybe by the end of the summer.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Get I Live With Her (Horror Game)

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